viernes, 26 de abril de 2013

Bebé y Placenta todo en uno (Imagen Gráfica)

 Sin lugar a dudas es una de las fotos más curiosas e impactantes que he visto en la vida, proviene del blog de una doctora norteamericana -Erin Meier- que trabaja como misionera en Papúa Nueva Guinea. Cuenta en el relato que el domingo  30 de marzo de 2008 luego de una guardia de fin de semana, llega una mujer embarazada con 27 semanas de gestación y sangrado vaginal. El primer temor fue placenta previa, pero en ultrasonido vieron que la placenta estaba en buena posición, en el tope del útero. Como la mujer y el bebé estaban estables inicialmente solo los monitorearon. Una hora después, llaman que la mujer está sangrando mucho más y que las pulsaciones del bebé han disminuido. Se encontraron a la mujer estable y con buena presión sanguínea, por lo que la estrategia era mantener el bebé dentro. Hacen un tacto para ver cómo está el cuello de la cérvix y la doctora siente lo que cree es la placenta y la mujer expresa ganas de pujar. La doctora pensó que su diagnóstico haba sido errado y que si tiene placenta previa, sale un momento del cuarto para discutir brevemente con otro doctor y las enfermeras dicen que el bebé se salió, cabeza primero, dentro de su saco intacto y con la placenta -que si se había desprendido- todo como un combo. La mamá ya había dejado de sangrar para este punto, los doctores rompieron las membranas y comenzaron a trabajar en el bebé, quien comenzó a respirar por si mismo, lo envolvieron y lo llevaron a la enfermería para ponerle calor y oxígeno.

sunday, march 30, 2008
Unusual delivery

Still on call for the weekend. Josh and I had a lady come in at 27wks pregnant with vaginal bleeding. One of the concerns is placenta previa, but the ultrasound showed the placenta to be up in the fundus. She was stable, so we initially just monitored her and the baby. A few hours later a call came that she was bleeding a lot more, and the baby's heartrate had dropped. I was at the Radcliffe's and so I discussed the situation with Jim prior to heading over. We found a stable mom with good blood pressure and pulse, and the FHTs were actually 120s. So our plan was conservative management. Jim called over, as he often does to check on things, so he recommended a pelvic exam to just see what we were dealing with down below. So I do this and find what I think is the placenta coming out, with mom wanting to push. So then I started to think I was wrong on the US, and she did have a previa and now it is coming out and I am praying she won't bleed to death before we could section her. I left the room quickly to rediscuss with Jim and the nurse calls out that the baby came out. As I walked behind the curtain I found the baby had come out head first, still wrapped in it's membranes with the placenta all as one. Mom had stopped bleeding at this point. We ruptured the membranes, and started working on our premature baby. He started breathing on his own, we transferred him to the nursery and got him warm and gave oxygen and prayed over him and then with mom that all would be well. Mom, Janet, was very thankful and was praising God as we prayed with her. He is very small, so we will just trust the Lord with his life.

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